In February, German-Ukrainian Bureau started its first project in cooperation with Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb) called “Local Resilience & Recovery: Capacities of Ukrainian Civil Society in the Chernihiv Region” in Ukraine.
The project focuses on a region heavily affected by war and aims to engage the local civil society into the recovery process as well as to establish connections between civil society initiatives from the Chernihiv region with German actors. The goal is to facilitate contacts, partnerships, exchange, and ideas for joint cooperation projects between German and Ukrainian organizations.
Tetiana Lopashchuk, Project Lead of the “Local Resilience & Recovery” Project:
“For many years the Chernihiv region was not a priority for the international donors. Everything changed with the full-scale russian invasion. Active military action and partial occupation in February-March 2022 caused huge destruction and damage, necessitating joint action from local civil society and administrations for successful rebuilding and recovery. With our project we aim to study the best cases of local resilience and to strengthen the role of civil society in the local recovery. We believe that project findings will be invaluable and essential to transfer to other regions as well.”
The project foresees a field trip to Ukraine for a group of German experts to study the local needs and challenges of the recovery process more precisely, one advocacy- and networking trip for representatives of the Chernihiv region to Germany as well as two analytical papers about best cases and lessons learned of civil society participation in recovery on the local level.